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Software products

In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the safety management system (SMS), we offer you an innovative solution for managing the activities of a shipping company, taking into account the best international and domestic automation practices.

The software products presented below are designed specifically for shipping companies.

Ready-made solutions for automation of the SMS processes:

Accounting of working and rest hours (W-Keeper)

Working Time and Rest Time Accounting Service (W-Keeper) of the Ship Personnel software system (CrewMan) automates the process of recording seafarers' working time and rest periods


Electronic DRR

In accordance with the requirements of ICUB, clause 11.2:

The Company shall ensure that:

.1 current documents are available throughout the Company and on the vessels;

.2 changes to documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel;

.3 expired documents are removed in a timely manner.

The E-SMS Documents program service (E-SMS Documents) ensures the functioning of the SMS in accordance with the ISMS requirements, as well as the interaction of office and shipboard SMS based on cloud technologies.


Software service for RISK ASSESSMENT

In accordance with the requirements of ISSM, clause

The Company's safety management objectives shall, among other things: assess all identified risks associated with ships, personnel and the environment and organize appropriate protection against them..

Program service Risk Man (Risk Man), which is a part of the program complex SAFETY (Safety Case) allows to automate the process of accumulation and documentation of data on assessment of identified risks related to safety of shipping, personnel and environment.


Program service to ensure EMERGENCY READiness

In accordance with the requirements of ISSM, clause 8.2:

The company shall establish crew training and emergency drill programs.

TRAIN MAN software service - allows monitoring the organization, planning, conduct of shipboard drills, exercises, technical training on board ships and in the company's office.


Software service for managing NEGATIVITIES

The NONCONFORMANCE (E N-CONF) software service automates the process of managing non-conformities identified during inspections of shore-based units and vessels.


Digital Library

In accordance with the requirements of ISMS, Clause 11:

11.1 The company shall establish and maintain procedures for the management of all documents and data relating to the safety management system.

11.2 The Company shall ensure that:

.1 current documents are available throughout the Company and on the vessels;

.2 changes to the documents are reviewed and approved by authorized personnel;

.3 expired documents are removed in a timely manner.

In order to ensure compliance of your SMS with the requirements of the ISMS, our company offers you the E-Library program service, which is a part of the Safety Case software package.


  • Electronic Grabber Log Book (E-GRB)

  • Electronic Log of Ozone Depleting Substances (E-ODS)

  • Cargo Record Book-CRB

  • Oil Record Book-ORB

  • Record of Fuel Oil Changeover 

  • Record Book of Engine Parameters


E-Check Lists

In accordance with the requirements of ISMS, Clause 7:

The company shall establish procedures, plans and instructions, including appropriate checklists, for key shipboard operations, in relation to personnel safety, ship safety and environmental protection.

The E-Check Lists software service automates the process of managing checklists used in shipboard operations.


Pass Plan

As required by SOLAS Regulation 34, Chapter V, IC SOLAS - Safety of Navigation and Prevention of Dangerous Situations:

1 Before setting out to sea, the master shall ensure that the intended voyage is planned, using appropriate nautical charts and nautical aids to navigation for the area of navigation, taking into account the guidance and recommendations issued by the Organization.

2 The voyage plan shall establish a route that:

.1 takes into account any voyage-related systems of established ship paths;

.2 provides sufficient space for safe passage throughout the voyage;

.3 takes into account all known navigational hazards and weather conditions; and

.4 takes into account applicable measures to protect the marine environment and avoids, to the extent practicable, actions and activities that would be harmful to the environment.


In accordance with the requirements of Section A-VIII/2, VPAs

Part 2 - Voyage Planning

General requirements

3 The forthcoming voyage must be planned in advance, taking into account all relevant information, and any course plotted must be checked before the voyage commences.

4 The chief engineer, in consultation with the master, shall determine in advance the requirements of the forthcoming voyage, taking into account the need for fuel, water, lubricants, chemicals, consumable and other spare parts, tools, stores, and any other requirements.

Planning before the start of each voyage

5 Prior to the commencement of each voyage, the master of each ship shall ensure that the intended route from the port of departure to the first port of call is planned using adequate and suitable charts and other navigational aids necessary for the forthcoming voyage and containing accurate, complete and corrected information with respect to those navigational restrictions and hazards of a permanent or foreseeable nature relevant to the safety of the ship's navigation.


Verification and laying out of the planned track

6 On completion of the verification of the planned track, taking into account all relevant information, the planned track shall be plotted on appropriate charts and shall be permanently available to the master's mate on watch, who shall, before the ship lies on the appropriate course, verify it.


Deviation from the planned course

7 If during the voyage a decision is made to change the next port of call that is on the planned route, or if the vessel needs to deviate significantly from the planned route for other reasons, the changed route must be worked out before the vessel deviates significantly from the originally planned route.


The Voyage PLAN program service functionally provides:

  • generation of voyage description with planned and actual values (departure/arrival, date/time)

  • creation of crossing descriptions with overview of characteristics (planned and actual) of reference points

  • utilization of data from previously completed voyages

  • access of office personnel and crews to information from any computer in the local network

  • operational data exchange between office and ship versions through the CLOUD


Log of Ship Visitors Registration and Check

VISITOR LOG BOOK is an electronic alternative to the paper version of VISITOR LOG BOOK, supplemented with the following features:

  • pre-registration of ship visitors;

  • automation of the process of registering the entrance and exit of visitors;

  • preliminary familiarization with the vessel (before visiting the vessel) via video "VESSEL OVERVIEW";

  • prevention of data loss;

  • analytics of visitor records for the reporting period;

  • real-time report on the number of visitors;

  • control of watch crew members.


Software for technical management of ships (MRO)

Ship's Maintenance Plan-GRAPHICS

In accordance with the requirements of ISDS, Clause 10:

The company shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained and repaired. The company shall ensure that technical inspections are carried out at appropriate intervals and that maintenance and repair records are available to the ship.

The main ship's document defining condition control, planning and regulation of maintenance and repair of ship's technical facilities and structures in operation is the following
ship's Maintenance and Repair Schedule (MRO).

Maintenance and Repair Plan-Schedule reflects:

  • planning of regimes (terms, content and volumes) of maintenance and repair of ship's technical means and structures;

  • accounting of labor intensity of performed works on maintenance and repair of ship technical means and structures in operation.

MAINTEN Maintenance and Repair Schedule program service, which is a part of TECHMAN CASE program complex, allows to form and maintain Maintenance Schedule of ship structures and technical means.

Ship requests for spare parts

Program service ORDERS of the program complex Technical Management (TECHMAN) allows to automate the process of ordering and supplying the ship with spare parts.



The program service STORES of the program complex Technical Management (TECHMAN) allows to automate the process of maintenance (accounting and control) of ship's spare parts.


Repair sheets

In accordance with the requirements of ISDS, Clause 10:

The company shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure the maintenance and repair of the ship.

We offer you a solution to automate the process of preparation of the ship repair list (RR). The REPTABLE program service, which is part of the TECHMAN CASE software package, allows you to prepare repair lists.


Program service CERTIFICATES

In accordance with the requirements of ISMS, clause 1.2.3:

The safety management system shall ensure:

.1 compliance with mandatory rules and regulations; 

The Certificates program complex provides creation, storage and viewing of a library of ship documents (certificates), and allows control of validity periods.


Program Service VOYAGES

The program service Voyages of the program complex Technical Management (TECHMAN) allows to automate the process of accounting of operational information on voyages performed by ships.


Ship repair

In accordance with the requirements of ISDS, clause 10.1:

The Company shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure maintenance and repair of the ship in accordance with the standards and regulations and additional requirements that may be established by the Company.

Ship Repair Software Complex (TECHREP Project) - allows to automate the process of planning, execution and control of ship repair.



SHIP MANAGER ACCOUNTING is a complex information system that models the key business process of companies working in the field of sea and river logistics - cargo transportation.


Voyage Estimation

The program complex Voyage Estimation allows estimating the economic performance of a vessel in a voyage.


Laytime Calculation Program Complex

Program complex LAYTIME CALCULATION based on the information about the vessel's berthing time allows to solve the issues related to the charter time, demurrage and dispatch.

We offer you the Inventory of Hazardous Materials - IHM:

The basic configuration of our products includes:

  1. Office version (installed in the company office) and Ship versions (installed on company vessels);

  2. Each of the w/o versions functions autonomously, without mandatory internet access;

  3. The databases of the office version are located together with the program on the working disk (company server or computer hard disk);

  4. The databases of the ship version are located together with the program on the working disk (ship server or computer hard disk);

  5. All operational data are generated in the ship version;

  6. To transfer data to the office version, it is necessary to connect to the Internet (in this case the OBLAKO becomes available). In the absence of Internet access, it is possible to send data in the form of a specially prepared file attached to e-mail.

Advantages of our services and our product:

  • Very attractive price and conditions. Our prices are an order of magnitude lower than similar offers on the software market;

  • No need to buy licenses for each employee or workplace. Having bought our product, all your employees will be able to use it on their workplaces;

  • We specialize in ship operation and ship operations;

  • Free demo on our  website 

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