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Reporting use of Overridable Power Limitation (ShaPoLi/EPL)

Updated: May 27

The purpose of these news is to provide technical and operational conditions that the SHaPoLi / EPL system should satisfy in complying with the EEXI requirements and in using a power reserve for existing ships.

Shaft power means the mechanical power transmitted by the propeller shaft to the propeller hub. It is the product of the shaft torque and the shaft rotational speed. In case of multiple propeller shafts, the shaft power means the sum of the power transmitted to all propeller shafts.Engine power means the mechanical power transmitted from the engine to the propeller shaft. In case of multiple engines, the engine power means the sum of the power transmitted from the engines to the propeller shafts.

Overridable engine power limitation (EPL) or overridable shaft power limitation (SHaPoLi) are commonly used to improve a ship’s attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) performance.

Overridable Shaft Power Limitation (SHaPoLi) system means a verified and approved system for the limitation of the maximum shaft power by technical means that can only be overridden by the ship's master or the officer in charge of navigational watch (OICNW) for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea:

Overridable Engine Power Limitation (EPL) system means a verified and approved system for the limitation of the maximum engine power by technical means that can only be overridden by the ship's master or the officer in charge of navigational watch (OICNW) for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea:

Power reserve means shaft / engine power above the limited power which cannot be used in normal operation unless in the case when SHaPoLi / EPL is unlimited for the purpose of securing the ship safety.

Overridable Power Limitation is required to comply with the “2021 Guidelines on the Shaft/Engine Power Limitation System to Comply with the EEXI Requirements and Use of a Power Reserve”, contained in IMO Resolution MEPC.335(76), as amended by IMO Resolution MEPC.375(80).

Any use of a power reserve should be recorded in the record page of the Onboard Management Manual (OMM) for SHaPoLi/EPL, as per section 3.4 of MEPC.335(76), as amended.Where an EPL/ShaPoLi override is activated, but the power reserve is not subsequently used, this should be recorded in the bridge and engine-room logbooks. The EPL/ShaPoLi should be reset as soon as possible, and details of the reset should also be recorded in the bridge and engine-room logbooks (see section 3.3 of MEPC.335(76)).

In case of having used a power reserve, the ship should without delay notify its flag Administration or RO and the competent authority of the relevant port of destination with the information recorded, as per section 3.4 of MEPC.335(76), as amended.

Where the EPL/ShaPoLi override is activated regardless whether the power reserve has been used or not, the reactivation or replacement of the SHaPoLi/EPL system should be confirmed (e.g. validation of mechanical sealing) with supporting evidence (e.g. engine power log, photo taken at the occasion of resetting the mechanical sealing) by the flag Administration or RO at the earliest opportunity (see section 3.5 of MEPC.335(76)).

The following table summarizes the cases explained above, on logging, reporting and reactivation:

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