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Remote ISM&ISPS Audits and Verifications

Remote ISM&ISPS Audits and Verifications 24.12.2023 00:31

IMO finalized the first phase of its planned development of guidance on the assessment and applicability of remote surveys, ISM Code audits and ISPS Code verifications. 

On the basis of experience gained in performing remote surveys, audits and verifications and in developing UR Z29, IACS is working to actively contribute to the IMO objective of developing a guideline and establishing a regulatory framework that would support the new technology, while maintaining the required level of safety and contributing to the protection of the environment. This contribution is based on the belief that, in general terms, the current liability regime, which is regulating the surveys, audits and verifications between flag States, ROs/RSOs and shipowners’ obligations, should not be changed. 

“Remote verification/audit” – a verification or an audit carried out for a company or vessel against the requirements of the ISM and/or the ISPS Codes, where the audit/verification is performed without attendance on-site by the auditor. Audit or verification where only documentation and records have been reviewed remotely should not be considered as remote audit or verification.

In order to define a standardized method of performance of remote statutory surveys, audits and verifications, IACS has developed two draft guidance documents:

.1 draft guidance on remote statutory surveys; and

.2 draft guidance for performance of ISM/ISPS remote audits/verifications.

These two draft guidance documents take into account the knowledge obtained from the development of IACS UR Z29 and the current practices and procedures implemented by individual IACS members when conducting remote statutory surveys, audits and verifications, when acting as ROs or RSOs.

Some of the main topics addressed in the draft guidance on remote statutory surveys (annex 1 to this document) are:

.1 eligibility and conditions for equivalency;

.2 digital information, quality and transparency;

.3 scope and procedures for remote surveys; and

.4 recording evidence and reporting.

Some of the main topics addressed in the draft guidance for performance of ISM/ISPS remote audits/verifications (annex 2 to this document) are:

.1 requirements for equivalency with on-site verifications;

.2 eligibility of remote audits and verifications;

.3 qualification of auditors;

.4 Information and Communication Technology (ICT); and

.5 performance of a remote audit and verification, and recording of evidence.

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