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New IP Code

New IP Code 13.12.2022 00:27

IMO has adopted a new mandatory International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code), anchored in a new SOLAS Chapter XV.

A new mandatory safety code for ships carrying industrial personnel – aimed at ensuring the safety of people transported to work on offshore facilities including windfarms – has been adopted by IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 106), which met from 2 to 11 November 2022.

The code enters into force on 1 July 2024 and enables cargo ships and high-speed cargo craft to transport and accommodate industrial personnel working offshore.

The IP Code is to a large extent based on the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code), with a few adaptations:

  • Training: Requirements to the industrial personnel (age, fitness, language, training and familiarization)

  • Safe transfer: Requirements to the arrangement for the safe transfer of personnel

  • Life-saving appliances: For HSC cargo crafts, illuminated or luminous notices or video information system(s) are to be provided for the IP personnel and a safety equipment sub-centre for the crew

  • Dangerous goods: If simultaneously carrying dangerous liquid chemicals and/or liquified gases as cargo in bulk and industrial personnel, be certified in accordance with SOLAS VII Part B or C or comply and be certified in accordance with the OSV Chemical Code (Resolution A.1122(30)) or a standard not inferior to it. Ships carrying toxic products, low-flashpoint products and acids are not allowed to have more than 60 persons on board in total.

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